PM & Vänner Bröd & Sovel
PM & Vänner Bröd & Sovel PM & Vänner is a hotel and restaurant group in the heart of Småland.
PM & Vänner Bröd & Sovel PM & Vänner is a hotel and restaurant group in the heart of Småland. Bröd & Sovel is the bakery of PM & Vänner, where you can buy bread, sweets, breakfast and take-away lunch. There are some seats, but the bakery's treats can also be enjoyed at the roof top bar in the same building. PM Bröd & Sovel place great emphasis on bread but there are also a variety of sweets such as truffles and pralines. PM & Vänner is a hotel and restaurant group in the heart of Småland. Their philosophy is based on the cornerstones of "forest, lake and meadow" and they proudly display the variety of the region.
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